Thema Hemp Render Bags
Thermal Hemp Render (Texture)

Thermal Hemp Render (Texture)


Hemp Thermal Render is the latest development in Eco Building.
Utilizing the traditional methods with new technology.
Our NEW Thermal Hemp Render 20Kg (Texture) developed by us here at Hemp Construction is truly amazing.

But why?
Did you know that Hemp a fantastic carbon sequester, for every cubic metre (m3) 130kg CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is sequestered, in fact an acre of Cannabis Sativa L (Industrial Hemp) can sequester more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop and is therefore the ideal carbon sink.



Thermal Hemp Render is the latest development in Eco Building.
Utilizing the traditional methods with new technology.
Our NEW Thermal Hemp Render 20Kg (Texture) developed by us here at Hemp Construction is truly amazing.

But why?
Did you know that Hemp a fantastic carbon sequester, for every cubic metre (m3) 130kg CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is sequestered, in fact an acre of Cannabis Sativa L (Industrial Hemp) can sequester more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop and is therefore the ideal carbon sink.

That is just the start, lets tick some more boxes.

Well, it is Sustainable, Hemp is a low water crop that doesn’t require herbicides or pesticides to grow. It actually helps the soil when growing and Lime is a by- product of the building industry.
Recyclable, Both Hemp and Lime are recyclable.
Thermal Hemp Render is an excellent Thermal barrier, when exposed to direct sunlight, unlike traditional building materials Thermal Hemp Render retains up to 20% less heat and will release any heat trapped faster after exposure. Conversely works exceptionally well in maintaining heat generated, saving energy.
Fire retardant, Thermal Hemp Render is an excellent fire retardant and can withstand direct flame, only charring the exposed area. Thwarting the growth of the fire through the remaining render.
Anti mould, the addition of lime to the hemp creates an environment where mould cannot grow and can recover from water penetration without moulding. Pest resistant, it is also resistant to insect and vermin due to its alkaline properties. It also has fantastic acoustic damping properties, absorbing soundwaves
Carbon negative product, not only does it sequester carbon when being farmed, but it continues to collect carbon when applied to a building. In regard to Hemp’s High insulating properties, It can help improve your EPC rating of your building. Requiring less energy consumption, saving you money.
Collect Carbon Credits for every square metre of Thermal Hemp Render as it will continue to sequester carbon whilst applied to the building.
UK made and grown – That means low transport miles, no ship or planes used here, just farming equipment and a few trucks. This also helps our local faming food and construction industries whilst helping the planet.

Textured: Coarse Shiv 20mm raw, Fine Shiv 5mm raw. Ideal for applying thicker to wall 20-30mm.


Additional information

Weight20 kg
Dimensions75 × 50 × 30 cm


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